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March 2021

A few Reasons Why You Should Challenge an Unreasonable Pretrial Detention with a Writ of Habeas Corpus

Anthony Candela knows a thing or two about filing writs of habeas corpus. Candela has filed a dozen or so writs of habeas corpus with the various appellate courts of this state. While not every writ has been granted, he has had some success in having a few writs of habeas corpus granted and those clients subsequently released from custody. Not many attorneys in Florida have that invaluable experience, but he knows the procedure through and through and can assist in this regard.

DIY Estate Planning is Bad Idea

The problem is obvious with DIY estate plans. DIY estate plans are like playing Russian Roulette with your family’s livelihood after you are gone. If you muck it up, miss something, make a mistake, misunderstand a statute or law, or fail to realize the consequences of certain courses of action or estate elections, then you cannot fix the problem when you are gone, and the estate plan may be rendered useless (or worse make everything extremely complicated for the people you attempted to protect with your DIY estate plan).